Love God with your mind! The primary way we do that is by reading and engaging with the Bible, the Word of God. To help us better understand and think more deeply about the Bible, we also read time-tested books to challenge and inspire our minds and hearts towards a greater understanding of Jesus. We have collected copies of these treasured books for you to borrow, and We pray this library will stir your hearts and minds as you seek Jesus in every moment!
How Does It Work
You can browse our library of books either in-person at the SFAXA House or online below. The digital Library has options to filter by author, subject, and more to help you choose your next book.
Simply click the button to Check Out a book you’re interested in. You can keep it for 2 weeks before it’s due back.
Mobile Search
Apple: Click the aA button to the left of the domain, choose Website Settings, and turn on Request Deskto Website. This should automatically load the search controls everytime you visit this page.
Android: Click the three dots to the right of the domain and select the checkbox next to Desktop Site. This should automatically load the search controls everytime you visit this page.
I Can't Find My Name to Check Out a Book
To borrow books, you must first register as a reader. It’s quick and simple and only needs to be done once!