Meet Our Pastors

Derrick and Ashley Jackson
Derrick and Ashley have been our pastors since 2009. They have two of the cutest (and sometimes craziest) kids, Katelyn and Eli. Derrick loves coffee. Ashley loves crochet. They’re a little old, but still pretty cool!
SFAXA Quick Facts
est. at SFA
SFA Presidents
SFAXA Directors
Ministry Houses Owned
Celebrating a Legacy at SFA!
On October 26, 1967, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (later renamed Chi Alpha Campus Ministry) was officially chartered with the Assemblies of God. The mission was profoundly simple: to reach the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since that day, countless students have discovered and deepened relationships with God through the ministry of Chi Alpha.
sfaxa Timeline
What We Believe
The most important thing about a man is what he believes about God.
– A.W. Tozer
Our God-beliefs will ultimately determine everything about us: our personality, our decisions in life, our emotions and more. In Chi Alpha belief is of utmost importance – we want to know not just what we believe, but why we believe. The following statements of belief are not light-hearted sentiments – they are firm foundations of truth upon which we base our lives individually and together.
we believe there is one god in three persons...
…so we yearn to know him in all of his complexity and beauty.
we believe the bible is god's message to us...
…so we seek to understand and obey its truth.
we believe jesus is fully god and fully human...
…so we rejoice that christ can be a bridge between us and god.
we believe people throughout history have sinned against god...
…so we are deeply aware that we too are marked by willful disobedience.
we believe god offers freedom from sin's grasp...
…so we strive to live lives that are pleasing to god.
we believe god extends forgiveness to us through christ...
…so we repent and rejoice in our forgiveness.
we believe in the church...
…so we live in a community of faith, inviting others to join.
we believe god gives leaders as gifts to his church...
…so we serve those whom the lord entrusts to us.
we believe god commands his followers to celebrate communion and water baptism...
…so we practice these symbolic actions, reflecting on their significance.
we believe that god can heal both the body and the heart...
…so we pray with faith and hope.
we believe empowerment by the holy spirit is available to all followers of jesus...
…so we pray expecting supernatural power to be a credible witness to jesus in our daily lives.
we believe the mark of baptism in the holy spirit is speaking in other tongues...
…so we pray that god would grant us this supernatural gift.
we believe jesus will return to claim his church...
…so we live in expectancy of his coming.
we believe we will live with god forever...
…so we live with hope regardless of our circumstances.
Looking for more info about Chi Alpha at SFA? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t find your answer here, please don’t hesitate to email us using the big button below!