Wow such a long time for no post on this thing. I figure a birthday would be a great time to update.

Things are going good here at LSU. For those of you who don’t know Ashley and I are now the Chi Alpha directors at LSU. It’s exciting, but as with alot of things that are bigger than you, we sometimes freak out and ask “What are you thinking God putting us here?” The great part is that God has really been intentional at letting me know that he is with us here at LSU. That He wants to do great things here at LSU. I am really excited about the challenges that have already been put in our way! I know that sounds weird, but I know that our group and rally together and make a huge impact on this campus. : )

This summer I have gotten the oppertunity to travel all over the state and share the vision of Chi Alpha at LSU. I have really enjoyed getting to meet and connect with people that are living out their faith all over this state. Its really cool to me to see the Body of Christ being more than just my little world of Baton Rouge. We are all connected by Christ litterally all over the world! That pumps me up.

Well, in closing my challenge would be. Lets live for something bigger than ourselves!