So we made it back from Tenerife! It was amazing! We got to see how much the church has grown in the last year. Since being there last year there is now a new church building and they have started a bible school there in another building.  Last year our team equaled the number of people they had and this year they swallowed us up!

We got the oppertunity this year to be in a different part of the island to do evanglism.  It was a great getting to go into different parts of the island that haven’t been reached as much with the gospel.  We went to a rehab center one day and were freaked out as when we pulled up they were all in white sheets like a togo party or somthing.  What scared me even more was when the missionaries said, “Well, they haven’t done this before.”  It turns out they had prepared to do a skit for us to enjoy so that they could give a little bit to us as we came to give to them. 

We also got the chance to go to an island that hasn’t had evanglism from americans there yet.  We did tract distrubutions and evanglism there along with meeting with the new churches that are trying to get started on the island. We got to meet with the churches and share a bit of encouragement and leave them with bible and books.

Well, we are in Houston, TX right now. We decided not to make the drive back to Baton Rouge  until this morning. I am off now to eat breakfast and get packed up to head home.