Wes said to post something…..anything

So we made it back from Tenerife! It was amazing! We got to see how much the church has grown in the last year. Since being there last year there is now a new church building and they have started a bible school there in another building.  Last year our team...

Just thinkin

So I was reading a little E. Stanley Jones this morning and he was talking about committing ourselves to God.  He gave and example of a guy in india when going the vote for someone to be in office, he went and couldn’t make up his mind. He then proceeded to...

Hey whats up guys! Long time no post for me. I have been checking out that whole myspace thing and its alright. I like the way they do the photos of people better there. I here alot of yall like facebook, but i can’t use it cause i don’t have a .edu...

Hey guys! Guess what? In a couple of days i will have been married to the hottest woman in the world for 3 years.  How lucky am I? shooot.  Anyways, i am giving props to UL Chi Alpha. They hooked us up with their old espresso machine! Praise God! Thanks...

Quick update: Spring Thing was amazing! Eli and Mary brought it and brought it good. I have talked to lots of students that are talking about getting a better understanding of why they believe what they believe by reading good books and the Bible. Veritas Forum: I...

So whats up guys? So I finished Blue Like Jazz and thought it was pretty good.  It definatly challenged me in areas of my life to be different.  It seemed the main themes I pick up in the book were: I am a sinful creature and need to recognize that so that...